The Workbench After-hours Podcast
The Workbench After-hours is a podcast dedicated to 2A discussion and answering questions from our experience. We also dive into shop talk and everyday life experiences.
Podcasting since 2021 • 130 episodes
The Workbench After-hours Podcast
Latest Episodes
New Guns From Shot Show 2025
It's that time of year where firearms manufacturers showcase their new firearms and accessories at Shot Show 2025. We go over some notable new firearms along with a huge list of concept firearms from Palmetto State Armory, which you can vote on...
Episode 129
The Glock 19 Inspired These New Guns But Which One is REALLY Better?
Since 1988, the Glock 19 has been one of the most popular pistols on the market. While Glock has failed to come out with anything revolutionary recently, other companies have developed Glock 19 clones. If you are going to make a clone, you need...
Episode 128
What's in our EDC?
In this episode, we discuss what we use as our every day carry items and our experience over the last decade. There is no perfect carry gun or holster and it also depends on the season. But so far, we have found what works for us. We also discu...
Episode 127
This Isn't a Knife or Gun Problem
In this episode, we discuss several recent instances where a tool, other than a firearm, was used to harm multiple people. This is further proof that guns are not the problem, they are just a tool used. Evil doesn’t need a gun. This isn’t about...
Episode 126